Queen's Housing

Minimize the risk of your rental experience with Queen's Housing

Finding the right home for your undergraduate can be a stressful process considering the declining state of the houses in the student ghetto and poor landlords. Avoid these risks by using Queen's Housing to vet your potential new home!

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What is Queen's Housing

Queen's Housing is a website that allows students to share their experiences with different rental properties and landlords

Browse for a Home

Search the database for a home that interests you.

Find its history

Through the disscusion board you can see problems previous owners have had with the house or the landlords

Make and Account

Make your own Queen's Housing account to review your home, or comment on the posts of others


I'd heard many stories of students finding mice and mold in their homes, but Queen's housing allowed me to see the past history of the house in the disscusion board to verify it's condition.

testimonial Holden Caulfield 3rd Year Student

Finding quality housing was giving me alot of stress until I came across Queen's Hosuing which allowed me to ease my concerns by talking to other students about their experiences.

testimonial Alper Kamu 1st Year Student